1. Overview
The goal of this document is to provide an easy path to start using PGJDBC-NG for those people looking for a JDBC compliant driver for PostgreSQL. It also aims to provide detailed reference documentation for those wishing to use the advanced features of JDBC integrated with PostgreSQL.
1.1. What is PGJDBC-NG?
PGJDBC-NG aims to be a fully compliant JDBC driver for PostgreSQL, implementing JDBC 4.2 onwards. The major goal of the project is to implement all the advanced features of JDBC also supported in PostgreSQL; including composite types, arrays of primitive and composite types, asynchronous notifications, and more.
1.2. Supported Java Versions
PGJDBC-NG requires Java 8 (or higher) which equates to the JDBC 4.2 specification. Support for Java 9’s JDBC 4.3 is forthcoming and will be backwards compatible.
1.3. Getting Started
1.3.1. Dependencies
To use the JDBC Driver or DataSource implementation you’ll need to add the dependencies to your project or classpath.
Maven Style Dependencies
Adding the driver to a project built with a tool that supports maven style dependencies (e.g. Maven, Gradle, Ivy, etc.) only requires adding the primary dependency to your build file.
For Maven simply add the dependency to your pom.xml
For Gradle the dependency is added to your build.gradle
dependencies {
compile "com.impossibl.pgjdbc-ng:pgjdbc-ng:0.8.5"
Using these artifacts will pull in the driver implementation and its required dependencies. If you wish
to depend on a version of the driver that embeds its dependencies you can use the artifact name
pgjdbc-ng-all-0.8.5.jar instead; this is useful to work around dependency conflicts in certain
situations but otherwise should not be necessary.
Manual Download
If you are using a project that does not support Maven style dependencies or you wish to add the driver globally to an application server like Glassfish, WildFly or Tomcat you can download the dependency embedded version of the driver and copy it to the location required by your project or usage.
1.3.2. Connecting to PostgreSQL
To connect to a PostgreSQL server with PGJDBC-NG you need to use one of its implementation of JDBC’s
or javax.sql.DataSource
interface. Each method has its own use cases and connection
Using the JDBC Driver
The simplest way to obtain a connection is by using the java.sql.Driver
implementation and only
requires a properly constructed URL along with a call to java.sql.DriverManager
String url = "jdbc:pgsql://localhost/test"; (1)
String user = "test";
String password = "test";
Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection(url, user, password); (2)
1 | pgsql requests a PGJDBC-NG connection to the server listening on localhost
using the default port 5432 and targeting the test database. |
2 | Opens a connection to the PostgreSQL server. |
The URL provided in the example above is one of the simplest URLs required to make a connection. The full URL format accepts credentials, connection settings, fallback hosts and more. Connection URLs provides details about the extended format of URLs accepted by the driver.
Using the JDBC DataSource
While using the Driver implementation can be the easiest way to connect to a server, using a
implementation can allow using enhanced features such as connection pooling
and XA transactions.
Obtaining a connection using one of the DataSource implementations is done by explicitly creating an instance of the DataSource and acquiring connections from it.
PGDataSource ds = new PGDataSource(); (1)
ds.setServerName("localhost"); (2)
ds.setDatabaseName("test"); (3)
ds.setUser("test"); (4)
Connection connection = ds.getConnection(); (5)
1 | Creates a new instance of the standard DataSource implementation. |
2 | Sets the target of the connection to localhost |
3 | Sets the target database to test |
4 | Set the user & password credentials to connect with. |
5 | Opens a connection to the PostgreSQL server. |
While the example uses the basic implementation of DataSource, there are a couple of implementations to choose from detailed in Available DataSources.
Only the most basic properties on the DataSource implementations are demonstrated. The DataSource provides properties for all of the settings available that control almost every aspect of vended connections. Details of all setting available for connections is detailed in Connection Settings.
Alternatively to setting individual properties as shown above, the DataSource also accepts a connection URL like the one shown in Using the JDBC Driver and detailed in Connection URLs. |
2. Connection URLs
Connection details can be specified to both the Driver and DataSource implementations alike via an extended URL format. The format allows specifying all required and optional details including any and all connection settings.
PGJDBC-NG’s extended connection URL format is:
- <user>:<password>
Username & password authentication credentials.
- <addresses>
Zero or more addresses that the connection targets.
An address is comprised of a hostname or IP address and an optional TCP port designation.
If zero addresses are specified, the connection defaults to using the hostname
and PostgreSQL’s default port of5432
. To provide zero addresses the//
is omitted as well as injdbc:pgsql:<database>
.Multiple addresses can also be specified handled in accordance with Multiple/Fallback Addresses.
Finally, a special setting named
can be specified to target a unix domain socket address; see Unix Domain Sockets. - <database>
The name of the database the connection targets.
The database name is optional. When it is absent, the connection targets a database named equivalent to the authenticated role name of the connection. To omit the databae name and connect to the user database omit the slash preceding the name as well (e.g. jdbc:pgsql//localhost
). - <property1>…<propertyN>
List of connection settings specified as query properties.
The properties in the query portion of the URL can be used to specify connection settings. The available settings are detailed in Connection Settings.
2.1. Multiple/Fallback Addresses
As referenced in Connection URLs multiple addresses can be specified in a connection URL separated by comas.
, host2:5434
Each address can be specified as an IPv4
, IPv6
, or DNS hostname followed by an optional TCP port. If any
address doesn’t specify a port, PostgreSQL’s default port of 5432
is used.
2.1.1. Connection Strategy
When multiple addresses are present, a connection to each address is attempted in the order they were specified until a successful connection is made or the connection fails.
Fallback addresses are only used during an initial connection attempt. In the event of a successful connection and subsequent unexpected disconnection, no attempt is made to re-establish a connection regardless of the presence of fallback addresses. |
2.2. Unix Domain Sockets
When Netty native libraries are present the driver can connect to a PostgreSQL instance via a unix domain
socket. You specify this address using a special unixsocket
property supplied in the URL connection
The property accepts a directory containing a PostgreSQL unix socket (as shown above), or a specific socket filename belonging to a PostgreSQL instance.
When specifying a directory for unixsocket
the Driver searches the directory for a socket filename matching
PostgreSQL’s known format (e.g. .s.PGSQL.5432
). This is a convenience to allow easy connection in the most
common case of a single running PostgreSQL instance.
If multiple socket filenames matching PostgreSQL’s format are found the Driver will log a warning and connect to the first matching socket filename it finds. Specifying an absolute path to a socket file will stop logging the warning. |
Only a single unixsocket
property can be specified, although it can be combined with Multiple/Fallback Addresses.
When used in a fallback configuration the unix socket address is always attempted first.
2.2.1. Netty Native Libraries
Support for Unix Domain Sockets requires the presence of Netty’s native libraries. Visit Netty’s wiki for more information on how to acquire the correct native libraries for your platform.
3. Available Drivers
PGJDBC-NG provides a single implementation of the JDBC java.sql.Driver
import com.impossibl.postgres.jdbc.PGDriver
4. Available DataSources
Multiple DataSource implementations are provided in accordance with the JDBC specification. Each implementation provides specific capabilities and is intended to be used for a specific purpose.
4.1. Standard DataSource
import com.impossibl.postgres.jdbc.PGDataSource
Basic DataSource implementation that provides similar functionality to that of connections vended by the Driver implementation.
This DataSource can be used as a convenience or when a DataSource is required but neither connection pooling or XA capabilities are also required.
4.2. Connection Pool DataSource
import com.impossibl.postgres.jdbc.PGConnectionPoolDataSource
The pooling DataSource provides connections that can be reused. Reuse avoids costly connection time and increases performance.
Although PGConnectionPoolDataSource is a convenient and compliant implementation of JDBC’s
javax.sql.ConnectionPoolDataSource , using a library specifically built to support JDBC connection pooling, in
conjunction with PGDataSource , will most likely yield better performance.
4.3. XA DataSource
import com.impossibl.postgres.jdbc.xa.PGXADataSource
DataSource with XA support for prepared transactions and two phase commit.
Full usage of the XA capabilities provided by this DataSource require the presence of a compliant JTA transaction manager. |
5. SSL Connections
5.1. Mode
PGJDBC-NG provides a number of SSL modes controlling how and when SSL is attempted and/or required during connection to a PostgreSQL instance.
Mode | SSL | Guarantees | Description |
disable |
Never |
None |
SSL is not attempted and connection fails if the server requires SSL. |
allow |
Maybe |
Privacy |
If the server requires SSL this mode allows it, although PGJDBC-NG makes no attempt to enable it
otherwise. |
prefer |
Maybe |
Privacy |
PGJDBC-NG attempts connection using SSL but does not require it and connection will not fail it the server
does not support SSL. |
require |
Yes |
Privacy |
PGJDBC-NG attempts connection using SSL and fails if the server does not support SSL. |
verify-ca |
Yes |
Privacy & Trust |
PGJDBC-NG attempts connection using SSL and fails if the server does not support SSL. |
verify-full |
Yes |
Privacy, Trust & Verification |
PGJDBC-NG attempts connection using SSL and fails if the server does not support SSL. |
5.1.1. Recommended
is the preferred mode as it provides the most stringent requirements and is the mode most
associated with how SSL is designed to work.
5.1.2. Related Settings
Enabling one of the SSL modes above is as easy as providing it as the ssl.mode connection setting. In addition there are a number of companion settings that provide required information depending on the chosen mode that may need to be provided.
Mode | Server Settings | Client Settings |
disable |
None |
None |
allow |
None |
prefer |
None |
require |
None |
verify-ca |
verify-full |
5.2. Client Certificate
As shown above, in all modes except disable
, when attempting an SSL connection a client certificate and
private key are searched for using the ssl.homedir, ssl.key.file,
ssl.key.password & ssl.certificate.file settings. If either of
the items cannot be located, SSL will continue to be attempted without providing the server with a client
The server can be configured to require an SSL client certificate and connection will fail when connection is attempted and the items are not provided to the server.
6. Connection Settings
PGJDBC-NG provides a number of settings that control almost every aspect of the connection.
6.1. JDBC Settings
Setting | Property | Default |
Must be greater than or equal to |
Must be greater than or equal to |
Must be greater than or equal to |
Must be greater than or equal to |
Must be greater than or equal to |
Enable or disable strict adherence to JDBC specification. Affected behavior when disabled:
None |
Must be greater than or equal to |
None |
6.2. JDBC DataSource Settings
Setting | Property | Default | ||
None |
Must be between |
None |
Comma separated list of server addresses for which a connection will be attempted in order. Supports providing DNS, IPv4, IPv6 & Unix socket addresses. DNS & IP addresses are specified in
None |
Must be greater than or equal to |
6.3. System Settings
Setting | Property | Default |
None |
Empty |
Driver implementation name |
Current user via |
Empty |
None |
Must be greater than or equal to |
Must be between |
None |
Directory that SSL files are located in. If the value begins with a path separator (e.g. |
None |
6.4. Protocol Settings
Setting | Property | Default |
I/O subsystem selection mode.
Must be greater than or equal to |
None |
Must be greater than or equal to |
None |
Must be greater than or equal to |
Must be greater than or equal to |
None |
7. JDBC 4.2
There are numerous JDBC books, tutorials, blogs, etc. available to learn the basics and even advanced aspects of JDBC. As such, this section will provide details only specific to easy and efficient usage of PGJDBC-NG’s implementation of the JDBC specification.
7.1. Using Specific PostgreSQL Types
JDBC maps many of the stand SQL types to JDBC types and further to Java classes. Prior to JDBC 4.2 this was
done using an integer type code (available in java.sql.Types
). This mapping proves lacking when it comes to
using many of the extended types that PostgreSQL provides.
JDBC 4.2 added a new method for specifying extended types, java.sql.SQLType
. Most of the interfaces in JDBC
were extended to accept this new, extendable, type in place of the previous integer type code. PGJDBC-NG has
embraced this new method of using/specfiying PostgreSQL’s extended types via PGType
7.1.1. PGType
PGType is a PGJDBC-NG provided implementation of java.sql.SQLType
and allows referencing the most common
of the specific PostgreSQL extended types using a simple enum.
PGType can be used wherever a java.sql.SQLType
is accepted and whenever a specific PostgreSQL type is
wanted or required.
PreparedStatement pstmt = connection.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO ledger(balance) VALUES (?)");
pstmt.setObject(1, 113.54, PGType.MONEY); (1)
1 | Set a float with the specific column type of money . |
7.1.2. Resolving Custom Types
As stated, PGType only handles the most common of PostgreSQL’s types. Any extended types not supported
by PGType must be handled by resolving a type name to a PGAnyType
provides the resolveType
method which does the resolution to a PGAnyType
and thus
provides usable SQLType
PGConnection pgConnection = connection.unwrap(PGConnection.class); (1)
PGAnyType myType = pgConnection.resolveType("my_type"); (2)
1 | Acquire a PGConnection from a standard connection (see Accessing via unwrap). |
2 | Resolve the custom type my_type to a PGAnyType . |
7.2. User Defined Types
PostgreSQL supports User Defined Types, what it refers to as composite types, created with the
CREATE TYPE <name> AS (<attributes>)
DDL. These are supported in JDBC using one of two mechanisms,
the standard java.sql.Struct
API or via custom mapped Java classes that implement java.sql.SQLData
7.2.1. java.sql.Struct
PGJDBC-NG fully supports UDTs via the JDBC java.sql.Struct
API for specifying UDT parameters
and for retrieving UDT values in from ResultSet
7.2.2. java.sql.SQLData
Alternatively to using the standard Struct interface to access UDTs, custom Java classes can be created
that implement the java.sql.SQLData
interface. PGJDBC-NG also fully supports the java.sql.SQLData
Creating custom types
The JDBC specification suggests that all classes implementing SQLData
be generated by a mechanism of the
implementation’s choosing. PGJDBC-NG supports this method using the provided UDT Generator, although
UDTs can also be created manually.
UDT Generator
Using the UDT generator requires a running PostgreSQL instance and a schema in place that provides the types that Java classes are to be generated for. Details about executing the UDT generator, either via the command line interface or using it as a Java library, are available in UDT Generator.
Manual creation of custom Java classes implementing java.sql.SQLData
is done fairly easily but also requires
manual updates when schema changes.
Given a UDT created with the following DDL:
CREATE TYPE address AS (street text, city text, state char(2), zip text);
A simple implementation of java.sql.SQLData
import java.sql.SQLData;
class Address implements SQLData {
public String street;
public String city;
public String state;
public String zip;
public String getSQLTypeName() { (1)
return "address";
public void readSQL(SQLInput stream, String typeName) throws java.sql.SQLException { (2)
street = stream.readString();
city = stream.readString();
state = stream.readString();
zip = stream.readString();
public void writeSQL (SQLOutput stream) throws SQLException { (3)
1 | Provides the custom type name this Java class maps to; the name can be schema qualified if necessary. |
2 | readSQL reads the attributes in definition order. |
3 | writeSQL writes the attributes in definition order. |
The implementations of readSQL and writeSQL must always read and write attributes in the order
in which they were defined in the DDL statement. After DDL updates like ALTER TYPE this order isn’t always
obvious and where using the UDT Generator can help ensure correct implementation.
7.3. Arrays
While there are no special requirements beyond the standard JDBC API and java.sql.Array
for accessing the
array types provided by PostgreSQL, it is worth noting that PGJDBC-NG fully supports accessing arrays
of standard, extended and custom types.
7.4. Dates/Times
Prior to JDBC 4.2, java.sql.Time
, java.sql.Date
& java.sql.Timestamp
were used to represent the associated
SQL datatypes in Java. These types have proven almost unwieldy when used in situations spanning timezones and
JDBC 4.2 introduced supported for the new Java Date and Time API (JSR 310) which are easy to use and provide consistent views of times and dates.
PGJDBC-NG not only fully implements this portion of the JDBC 4.2 specification, all of its Date/Time handling is built on this library. Therefore it is suggested to skip using the JDBC Date/Time types when possible and use the Date/Time API instead. It provides an easier to use API and the data undergoes less transformation to arrive at a Java type.
Some simple examples are provided to detail the basic usage of JDBC with the new Date and Time API classes. Although, to learn the full capabilities and usage of the new integration we suggest reading the relevant portions of the JDBC API or any of the widely available tutorials.
7.4.1. Basic Usage
To retrieve values using the new Date and Time API you must not use the convenience APIs named for their
counterpart datatype, and instead use getObject
providing the type of object you would like to receive.
ResultSet rs = statement.getResultSet();
LocalDateTime incorrect = rs.getTimestamp(1).toLocalDateTime(); (1)
LocalDateTime correct = rs.getObjecct(1, LocalDateTime.class); (2)
1 | Incorrect method using convenience API and conversion |
2 | Correct method using getObject and no conversion. |
Similarly setting values should provide the new Date and Time API object directly to the driver using
and not use the convenience APIs.
PreparedStatement stmt = conn.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO log VALUES (? , ?)");
stmt.setText("Something happened");
stmt.setTimestamp(1, Timestamp.valueOf(LocalDateTime.now())); (1)
stmt.setObject(1, LocalDateTime.now()); (2)
1 | Incorrect method using convenience API and conversion |
2 | Correct method using setObject and no conversion. |
The preceding examples show usage of LocalDateTime
but support for all of the new Date and Time API classes
is provided matching the applicable SQL datatypes as specified by JDBC.
JDBC 4.2 does not specify support for ZonedDateTime in any fashion and PGJDBC-NG follows that
specification. ZonedDateTime must be converted to OffsetDateTime before begin passed to the API.
8. Beyond JDBC
Some of the functionality provided by PostgreSQL cannot be utilized via JDBC. In some cases PGJDBC-NG has extended the JDBC API to provide access to this functionality.
8.1. PGConnection
is an interface that extends java.sql.Connection
and provides access to extended
features and functionality.
In almost all cases to access extended features and functionality you will need a reference to a
instead of the standard java.sql.Connection
8.1.1. Accessing via unwrap
Although many times the Driver or DataSource will hand you an actual implementation of PGConnection
and simply casting to PGConnection
would work, there are numerous cases where casting will not
Thankfully JDBC provides a method to access native connections interfaces, like PGConnection
, through
the JDBC API. That mechanism is the unwrap
method available on the connection.
Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection(url);
PGConnection pgConnection = (PGConnection)connection; (1)
PGConnection pgConnection = connection.unwrap(PGConnection.class); (2)
1 | Incorrect method assuming PGConnection and casting |
2 | Correct method using unwrap . |
Not only does using unwrap
guarantee success (when using PGJDBC-NG) its just as easy as casting.
8.2. Asynchronous Notifications
PGJDBC-NG provides the ability to be asynchronously notified when notifications are raised, including the ability to filter on channel names and payload values.
PGConnection connection = DriverManager.getConnection(url).unwrap(PGConnection.class); (1)
connection.addListener(new PGNotificationListener() { (2)
void notification(int processId, String channelName, String payload) {
System.out.println("Received Notification: " + processId + ", " + channelName + ", " + payload); (3)
void closed() { (4)
// initiate reconnection & restart listening
Statement stmt = connection.createStatement();
stmt.executeUpdate("LISTEN msgs"); (5)
stmt.executeUpdate("NOTIFY msgs"); (6)
1 | Acquire PGConnection to access extended functionality |
2 | Add a notification listener to the connection. | ||
3 | Handle incoming notification.
4 | Listeners can be notified when the connection is closed unexpectedly. This allows them to reconnect and restart listening, ensuring notifications will always be received. | ||
5 | Issue the LISTEN command to the server, this starts the server delivering notifications to this
connection. |
6 | An example NOTIFY command is issued to and will be received by the handler from <2> |
As shown above, adding a listener only prepares PGJDBC-NG to deliver the notifications inside the
JVM, until a LISTEN command is issued to the server no notifications will be received.
8.2.1. Filtering
Notification listeners can also be added with a filter on the channel name. This allows individual listeners to handle specific notification channels.
PostgreSQL provides the capability to bulk load data from an external file, using COPY <table/spec> FROM STDIN
to bulk save data to an external file, using COPY <table/spec> TO STDOUT
PGJDBC-NG supports these commands using two different methods, using Standard Input & Output or copyFrom / copyTo.
8.3.1. Standard Input & Output
Issuing a relevant command via a Statement
or PreparedStatement
will read or write respectively from
Java’s System.in
or System.out
This method can be useful when redirecting the standard streams from the console or when redirecting the standard
streams via Java’s System.setIn
or System.setOut
System.setIn(new ByteArrayInputStream("1-1\t1-2\n2-1\t2-2\n3-1\t3-2".getBytes(UTF_8))); (1)
try (Statement statement = connection.createStatement()) {
statement.execute("COPY a_table FROM STDIN"); (2)
1 | Redirect System.in to a data stream in COPY format |
2 | Issue the COPY using a standard Statement |
System.setOut(new FileOutputStream("table.txt")); (1)
try (Statement statement = connection.createStatement()) {
statement.execute("COPY a_table TO STDOUT"); (2)
1 | Redirect System.out to a file stream that will receive table data in COPY format |
2 | Issue the COPY using a standard Statement |
Redirecting System.in or System.out can have unwanted global ramifications. See copyFrom / copyTo
for a method that does not require global redirection.
8.3.2. copyFrom / copyTo
PGJDBC-NG’s PGConnection
provides methods to issue COPY
commands targeting provided input or output streams.
Using these methods allows specifying stream without globally redirecting the standard streams like when using
Standard Input & Output.
Although, they require access to PGConnection
, using copyFrom
& copyTo
are easy and thread-safe.
InputStream tableData = new ByteArrayInputStream("1-1\t1-2\n2-1\t2-2\n3-1\t3-2".getBytes(UTF_8)); (1)
connection.unwrap(PGConnection.class).copyFrom("COPY a_table FROM STDIN", tableData); (2)
1 | Declare a data stream in COPY format |
2 | Issue the COPY using PGConnection.copyFrom |
OutputStream fileOut = new FileOutputStream("table.txt")); (1)
connection.unwrap(PGConnection.class).copyTo("COPY a_table TO STDOUT", fileOut); (2)
1 | Declare a file stream to receive the table data in COPY format |
2 | Issue the COPY using PGConnection.copyTo |
When using copyFrom the SQL command must only be a valid COPY … FROM STDIN command and when using copyTo
the SQL command must only be a valid COPY … TO STDOUT . Any other commands issued will result in an exception begin
9. Logging & Tracing
9.1. Logging
PGJDBC-NG uses the Java platform’s java.util.logging
API for all of its logging.
9.1.1. Configuration
The logging configuration is done using the standard java.util.logging
configuration method using a
The root logging package is com.impossibl.postgres
, configuration of this package will control all log
messages generated by PGJDBC-NG.
PGJDBC-NG uses logging specifically for configuration, warnings, errors and intermittent informational messages. For more detailed inspection of the drivers activities and state, Tracing is provided. |
9.2. Tracing
PGJDBC-NG provides tracing to diagnose errors and performance problems that may arise while using connections provided by the Driver or one of the DataSources. Tracing is managed separately from logging to allow generation of succinct trace logs that are easy to ready, unlike logging which can be extremely verbose.
There are three distinct levels of tracing provided by PGJDBC-NG to allow inspection of specific activities of the Driver, DataSources and Connections.
9.2.1. JDBC API Level
The JDBC API tracing provides a trace log of all user generated JDBC API calls; it specifically excludes any calls the driver itself may make to public JDBC API. This allows investigation of what, specifically, the driver is being asked to execute.
Each trace log entry includes the name of the API method called, all parameters (along with documentation level names and their provided values), as well as the return value of the method.
API tracing is enabled with the api.trace
& api.trace.file
settings. See Connection Settings.
API tracing is built using the Spy JDBC Interceptor library provided by the PGJDBC-NG project as well.
9.2.2. SQL Level
SQL tracing provides a trace log of all SQL passed to the server. It is useful in determining what exactly is sent to the server and in what order.
To honor the JDBC specification the PGJDBC-NG sometimes manipulates user provided SQL by prepending/appending
text, replacing "escapes" and more. In addition to this manipulation, sometimes SQL is generated and executed on
behalf of the user (e.g. COMMIT
). All of this is manipulation and generating is done before the
SQL trace log, therefore it provides a log of exactly what SQL is sent to the server to be executed.
Each trace log entry includes the SQL to be executed by the server as well as what operation the server is being requested, including "preparing" SQL for execution, executing previously prepared SQL and directly executing unprepared SQL.
SQL tracing is enabled with the sql.trace
& sql.trace.file
settings. See Connection Settings.
9.2.3. Protocol Level
Protocol level tracing provides a WireShark inspired trace log of all PostgreSQL Frontend/Backend protocol messages passed betweeen PGJDBC-NG and the connected server.
This trace log is very compact but provides message IDs, message direction and dispatch information for all communication with the server.
Protocol tracing is a valuable resource for low-level driver debugging but is not much use for those who are not familiar with the underlying PostgreSQL protocol; almost everybody should stick to JDBC & SQL level tracing. |
Protocol tracing is enabled with the protocol.trace
& protocol.trace.file
settings. See Connection Settings.
10. UDT Generator
Supporting SQL User Defined Types in JDBC 4.2 requires creating a POJO that implements the SQLData
interface. Although this is fairly straightforward it can be time consuming to keep Java objects up-to-date with a
changing SQL schema. This generator provides a simple way to generate UDT classes from an available schema.
The generator will connect to a provided database, lookup information about a provided set of UDTs and generate the matching classes.
10.1. Generation
The generator can generate POJOs for composite types and enum classes for enumeration types as well as mapping to standard Java types for all other supported types.
10.1.1. Referencing/Nested Types
The generator supports generating classes for SQL types that reference/contain other SQL types.
If the referenced type(s) have POJOs or enums being generated during the same execution, the generator will use the generated type value instead of the standard mapping.
If not, composite types will be created as java.sql.Struct
s and enums will be created as String
10.2. Executing
The generator can be executed multiple ways.
10.2.1. CLI
To execute the generator on the command line you can use the uber jar as an executable JAR or by the standard method of referencing the main class.
java -jar udt-gen-all-0.8.5.jar [options] <type names>
To generate classes from a schema the generator needs access to a running server with the schema available and a list of type names that it should generate classes for.
Class generation requires a target Java package and list of types to be specified.
Short Option | Long Option | Description |
Target package for generated classes (Required) |
Output directory for generated files (defaults to |
After all options on the command line a list of type names to generate must be provided. Each type can be schema qualified and/or quoted as necessary for PostgreSQL’s interpretation. For example:
<exec generator> -o ./generated/udts a_public_type public.b_public_type "MY_SCHEMA"."A_TYPE"
The generator options for specifying connection properties. The database name is required all other options can be left to their defaults.
Short Option | Long Option | Description |
Database connection URL (overrides name, host, port) |
Database name |
Database server hostname (default: localhost) |
Database server port (default: 5432) |
Database username (can be used with |
Database password (can be used with |
10.2.2. Library
To use the generator as a library and execute it programmatically.
import com.impossibl.postgres.tools.UDTGenerator;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.util.List;
import java.io.File;
class ExecGen {
public static void executeGenerator(Connection connection, List<String> typeNames) {
new UDTGenerator(connection, "sql.schema.types", typeNames)
.generate(new File("out"));
10.2.3. Example
CREATE TYPE title as enum ('mr', 'mrs', 'ms', 'dr');
CREATE TYPE address as (street text, city text, state char(2), zip char(5));
CREATE TYPE v_card as (id int4, name text, title title, addresses address[]);
Generating classes for the custom SQL types above yields the following…
public class Address implements SQLData {
private static final String TYPE_NAME = "public.address";
private String street;
private String city;
private String state;
private String zip;
public String getSQLTypeName() throws SQLException {
return TYPE_NAME;
public String getStreet() {
return street;
public void setStreet(String street) {
this.street = street;
public String getCity() {
return city;
public void setCity(String city) {
this.city = city;
public String getState() {
return state;
public void setState(String state) {
this.state = state;
public String getZip() {
return zip;
public void setZip(String zip) {
this.zip = zip;
public void readSQL(SQLInput in, String typeName) throws SQLException {
this.street = in.readString();
this.city = in.readString();
this.state = in.readString();
this.zip = in.readString();
public void writeSQL(SQLOutput out) throws SQLException {
public enum Title {
private String label;
Title(String label) {
this.label = label;
public String getLabel() {
return label;
public static Title valueOfLabel(String label) {
for (Title value : values()) {
if (value.label.equals(label)) return value;
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid label");}
public class VCard implements SQLData {
private static final String TYPE_NAME = "public.v_card";
private Integer id;
private String name;
private Title title;
private PGStruct[] addresses;
public String getSQLTypeName() throws SQLException {
return TYPE_NAME;
public Integer getId() {
return id;
public void setId(Integer id) {
this.id = id;
public String getName() {
return name;
public void setName(String name) {
this.name = name;
public Title getTitle() {
return title;
public void setTitle(Title title) {
this.title = title;
public PGStruct[] getAddresses() {
return addresses;
public void setAddresses(PGStruct[] addresses) {
this.addresses = addresses;
public void readSQL(SQLInput in, String typeName) throws SQLException {
this.id = in.readInt();
this.name = in.readString();
this.title = Title.valueOfLabel(in.readString());
this.addresses = in.readObject(PGStruct[].class);
public void writeSQL(SQLOutput out) throws SQLException {
out.writeObject(this.addresses, null);
Objects of these Java classes can be inserted and retrieved from the database easily using the JDBC API.
Address address = new Address(); (1)
address.setStreet("123 Easy Street");
address.setCity("Easy Town");
VCard vCard = new VCard(); (2)
vCard.setName("A Guy");
vCard.setAddresses(new Address[]{address});
PreparedStatement stmt = connection.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO contacts(card) VALUES (?)");
stmt.setObject(1, vCard); (3)
Statement stmt = connection.createStatement();
ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT card FROM contacts;")
while (rs.next()) {
VCard vCard = (VCard) rs.getObject(1, VCard.class); (4)
HashMap<String, Class<?>> customTypes = new HashMap<>(); (5)
customTypes.put("v_card", VCard.class);
customTypes.put("address", Address.class);
VCard vCard = (VCard) rs.getObject(1, customTypes); (6)
1 | Create an Address object. |
2 | Create a VCard object. |
3 | Use the setObject method to provide a VCard directly to the API. |
4 | Use the getObject method with a specific type request to retrieve a VCard object. |
5 | Generate a map of SQL type names to Java class implementations, to use with <4> |
6 | Use the getObject method with a list of type mappings to retrieve any available custom object
mapped to its Java counterpart. |
11. Spy JDBC Interceptor
Spy uses auto-generated relay & listener classes for each JDBC API interface to provide an easy method to intercept calls to the JDBC API. Currently it provides the JDBC API level tracing functionality for PGJDBC-NG (see JDBC API Level).
Although the library is used as a tracing system for PGJDBC-NG it should be able to be used with any compliant JDBC driver.
11.1. Connection Wrapping
To use the library as a API tracing system you have three options to wrap connections and enable tracing:
11.1.1. Manual
Manually wrapping the a connection returned from a JDBC Driver
or DataSource
and using the wrapped connection
as normal provides an easy way to programmatically decide when to add or disable tracing.
Connection conn = ConnectionTracer(DriverManager.getConnection(...), FileTracer("api.trace"))
11.1.2. Driver
If you are acquiring connections using the JDBC Driver API (as opposed to the DataSource API) a more declarative method can be used by altering the URL used to connect to your server.
Simply prepending the driver scheme of the JDBC URL with :spy
and leaving the URL in its original form will
cause the library to automatically wrap all connections.
Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:spy:pgjdbc://localhost/db");
11.1.3. Automatic
PGJDBC-NG has built in support for tracing using the library, see JDBC API Level.
11.2. Beyond Tracing
Spy generates a Relay class and matching Listener interface for each interface in the JDBC API. To support detailed tracing an implementation of each Listener interface is generated that produces trace output.
Due to the way its structured the library can be used to do a lot more than tracing by implementing custom Listener interfaces and wrapping connections using one of the methods previously outlined.
12. Release Notes
Detailed release notes for each version are available here.
Appendix A: Application Servers
13. WildFly
WildFly is a Java EE application server that PGJDBC-NG is compatible with for providing access to PostgreSQL instances.
If you wish to deploy from the WildFly CLI see CLI Deployment.
If you wish to deploy from the WildFly Admin Console see Console Deployment.
Alternatively, you can examine the sample configuration files in File Deployment.
These instructions were created using WildFly 15.0.1.Final as a reference. Earlier or later
versions of WildFly may use slightly different commands, terminology and/or layouts, although the steps for
deployment remain similar.
13.1. CLI Deployment
First, use the following command to add the Driver as a module.
module add --name=com.impossibl.pgjdbc-ng --resources=pgjdbc-ng-all-0.8.5.jar --dependencies=javax.api,javax.transaction.api
Next, define a named JDBC Driver.
We provide the class names of the Standard and XA DataSource implementations so that they don’t need to be provided each time we create a DataSource. |
/subsystem=datasources/jdbc-driver=pgjdbc-ng:add(driver-name=pgjdbc-ng, driver-module-name=com.impossibl.pgjdbc-ng, driver-datasource-class-name=com.impossibl.postgres.jdbc.PGDataSource, driver-xa-datasource-class-name=com.impossibl.postgres.jdbc.xa.PGXADataSource)
Finally, define a Standard or XA DataSource using the named JDBC Driver
data-source add --name=PostgreSQLDS --jndi-name=java:jboss/PostgreSQLDS --driver-name=pgjdbc-ng --connection-url=jdbc:pgsql://localhost:5432/test --user-name=test --password=test
Through the --connection-properties argument any settings available in Connection Settings can be provided.
xa-data-source add --name=PostgreSQLXADS --jndi-name=java:jboss/PostgreSQLXADS --driver-name=pgjdbc-ng --xa-datasource-properties=[{databaseUrl=jdbc:pgsql://localhost:5432/test} --user-name=test --pasword=test
For brevity databaseUrl is used here but any settings available in Connection Settings can be provided
in the --xa-datasource-properties argument.
13.2. File Deployment
For people experienced in WildFly configuration, samples are provided of the configuration files needed to get started using PGJDBC-NG.
13.2.1. Driver
Download the driver JAR file and add it as a module using the following module definition.
<module xmlns="urn:jboss:module:1.3" name="com.impossibl.pgjdbc-ng">
<resource-root path="pgjdbc-ng-all-0.8.5.jar"/>
<module name="javax.api"/>
<module name="javax.transaction.api"/>
Add a definition to datasources/jdbc-driver
<driver name="pgjdbc-ng" module="com.impossibl.pgjdbc-ng">
13.2.2. DataSource
Add a DataSource starting with an example definition provided.
Both standard and XA DataSource definitions are provided but only one is required based on your use of XA capabilities. |
<datasource jndi-name="java:jboss/datasources/PostgreSQLDS" pool-name="PostgreSQLDS">
<connection-url>jdbc:pgsql://localhost:5432/test</connection-url> (1)
<connection-property name="housekeeper">false</connection-property> (2)
<connection-property name="parsedSqlCacheSize">50</connection-property> (2)
<connection-property name="preparedStatementCacheSize">0</connection-property> (2)
<user-name>user</user-name> (3)
<password>secret</password> (4)
<valid-connection-checker class-name="org.jboss.jca.adapters.jdbc.extensions.postgres.PostgreSQLValidConnectionChecker"></valid-connection-checker>
<exception-sorter class-name="org.jboss.jca.adapters.jdbc.extensions.postgres.PostgreSQLExceptionSorter"></exception-sorter>
1 | A valid URL specifying your PostgreSQL instance. See Connection URLs for details. | ||
2 | Suggested properties for PGJDBC-NG with WildFly.
3 | Authentication username for your PostgreSQL instance. | ||
4 | Authentication password for your PostgreSQL instance. |
<xa-datasource jndi-name="java:jboss/datasources/PostgreSQLXADS" pool-name="PostgreSQLXADS">
<xa-datasource-property name="host">localhost</xa-datasource-property> (1)
<xa-datasource-property name="port">5432</xa-datasource-property> (2)
<xa-datasource-property name="database">test</xa-datasource-property> (3)
<xa-datasource-property name="housekeeper">false</xa-datasource-property> (4)
<xa-datasource-property name="parsedSqlCacheSize">50</xa-datasource-property> (4)
<xa-datasource-property name="preparedStatementCacheSize">0</xa-datasource-property> (4)
<user-name>user</user-name> (5)
<password>secret</password> (6)
<valid-connection-checker class-name="org.jboss.jca.adapters.jdbc.extensions.postgres.PostgreSQLValidConnectionChecker"></valid-connection-checker>
<exception-sorter class-name="org.jboss.jca.adapters.jdbc.extensions.postgres.PostgreSQLExceptionSorter"></exception-sorter>
1 | Hostname specifying your PostgreSQL instance. | ||
2 | Port number specifying your PostgreSQL instance. | ||
3 | Target Database for connections. | ||
4 | Suggested properties for PGJDBC-NG with WildFly.
5 | Authentication username for your PostgreSQL instance. | ||
6 | Authentication password for your PostgreSQL instance. |
13.3. Console Deployment
To following is a walk-through to use the Standard PGJDBC-NG DataSource in WildFly using the Admin Console.
13.3.1. Driver
In the WildFly Admin Console, navigate to the "Deployments" tab and choose "Upload Deployment".
Add the pgjdbc-ng-all-0.8.5.jar
file and choose Next
On the following step, ensure the "Enabled" option is selected and choose Finish
13.3.2. DataSource
In the WildFly Admin Console, visit the "Datasources & Drivers" section in the "Subsystems" category of the "Configuration" tab.
If Driver Deployment was completed correctly, pgjdbc-ng-all-0.8.5.jar
should be visible under the "Drivers" subsection.
Choose the "Datasources" subsection and choose "Add DataSource". Use the following steps to complete its configuration.
Step (1/5): Template
Select the "Custom" option and choose Next
Step (2/5): Attributes
Provide the required attributes described below, once complete choose Next
- Name
Give your DataSource a name such as
. This name can be anything but should be kept short and descriptive. - JNDI Name
WildFly requires JNDI Name to start with
, give it a name such asjava:jboss/datasources/PostgreSQLDS
After the required prefix,java:jboss
, the name can be any allowable freeform text; it is advisable to keep to a name that clearly marks it as a DataSource.
Step (3/5): JDBC Driver
You will need to select the deployed PGJDBC-NG driver. If Driver Deployment was completed correctly, you will see the Jar file name in the list of detected drivers.
Select pgjdbc-ng-all-0.8.5.jar
from the dropdown list, leaving the other non-required fields blank, and choose Next
If you do not see the driver in the list of detected drivers ensure you enabled it during deployment as detailed in Driver Deployment. |
Step (4/5): Connection
Provide the connection settings described below, leaving the other non-required fields blank, once complete
choose Next
Provide a valid PGJDBC-NG connection url as in
(see Connection URLs for complete details). - Username
Connection authentication username.
- Password
Connection authentication password.
Step (5/5) Testing
The final step is to test the DataSource’s ability to create connections.
Choose Test Connection
to test and validate the provided configuration. After the configuration passes
testing, choose Next
and finally choose Finish
If the test fails, ensure your PostgreSQL instance is running and accessible, that the values provided
in the preceeding steps are correct, and that you can make connections via PostgreSQL’s pgsql using the same
13.4. Troubleshooting
The best advice is to view the logs in the WildFly installation folder. All exceptions will be logged here and should provide information as to the issue with your installation and/or configurations.