
Advanced template engine for Java

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Stencil's built in block passing syntax makes layouts simple. You can build layouts with macros or, since templates themselves are basically macros, with the include output.

Macro Layout

To build a macro layout you simply define a macro
	$macro myLayout(title) [header,content,footer] {
			<div class="content">
Then call that macro using block passing syntax from the same or different file.
	$$import '';
		header {
		content {
		footer {

Include Layout

To build an include layout it is almost exactly the same as a macro layout except you declare a macro signature for the template itself using the '$$' header syntax.
	$$(title) [header,content,footer];
		<div class="content">
To use the layout you simply include the layout template while passing it parameters and blocks as usual.
	$include '' (title='Welcome')
		header {
		content {
		footer {