
Advanced template engine for Java

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The Stencil language uses the single character '$' to demarcate dynamic outputs and closes them with the ';' character. All outputs take the form

Each dynamic output command is detailed below.


Output the value of an expression

John Doe


Conditionally output a block of text

$if value {
	value is true
value is true

An else block can be provided in case the value is false

$if value {
	value is true
else {
	value is false
value is false


Loop through a collection and output a block for each value

$foreach item in items {
	Color: $item.color;
Color: Orange
Color: Blue
Color: Black

An else block can be provided to output in case the collection is empty

$foreach item in items {
else {
	No Items
No Items

An iteration variable can be specified to get common useful information on the iteration being processed. The iteration variable has these properties:

  • index - iteration # starting from 0
  • count - iteration # starting from 1
  • even - true if it is an even numbered iteration
  • odd - true if it is an odd numbered iteration
  • hasNext - true if this is not the last iteration
$foreach item,it in items {
	$it.count: $item.color;
1: Orange
2: Blue
3: Black


Loop while an expression is true

$white value < 5 {
	Index: $value;
	$assign value=value+1;
Index: 0
Index: 1
Index: 2
Index: 3
Index: 4


Select one of several blocks based on a value

$switch value
	case 0 {
		Number: 0
	case 1 {
		Number: 1
	case 'test' {
		Text: test
Text: test

A default block can be provided in case the value matches none of the cases

$switch value
	case 0 {
		Number: 0
	case 1 {
		Number: 1
	default {
		No Match
No Match


Add properties of one or more expressions to the current scope

$with stock,group {
	Group: $title	<< for group.title
	Name: $name;	<< for
	Symbol: $symbol;<< for stock.symbol
	Price: $price;	<< for stock.price
Group: Technology
Name: Apple Inc.
Symbol: AAPL
Price: 489.56

Any expression can be provided

$with [1,2,3] {
	Items: $size	<< for [].size
Items: 3

declare variable

Declare variables in the current scope.

$var x=5, y=10;
$x; $y;
5 10

assign variable

Assign values to variables in the current scope. The variable must already be declared.

$assign x=10, y=20;
$x; $y;
10 20


Breaks out of the nearest loop

$while x < 10 {
	$if x == 3 {
	Value: $x;
Value: 0
Value: 1
Value: 2
Value: 3


Continues on to the next iteration of the nearest loop

$while x < 3 {
	Value: $x;
	This wont get printed
Value: 0
Value: 1
Value: 2


Include another template using a file path relative to the currently processing template.

$include 'layout';
Included Text

Parameters can be passed to the included template

$include 'layout' (title='Top 100');
Title: Top 100

Blocks can be passed to the included template as well

$include 'layout' (title='Top 100')
	header {
		## HEADER ##
	content {
		## CONTENT ##
	footer {
		## FOOTER ##
Title: Top 100
## HEADER ##
## FOOTER ##